Now showing items 1338-1357 of 1783

      Rain making rites in Ihanzu [2]
      Realising the right to adequate food in secondary schools in Uganda: A case study of selected schools in Mityana District [1]
      The realization of the right to health services among women and children in Nakivale Refugee Settlement [1]
      Reassessing popular participation in Uganda [1]
      Referring to information source in Kirundi: The case of lexical evidential markers. [1]
      Reflection on the character of the Sudanese state and the making of a dominant power bloc [2]
      Refugees and enviromental security in Uganda [1]
      Refugees and National Security in Uganda [1]
      Refugees and Politics in Uganda [2]
      Refugees and their coping strategies in West Nile refugee settlement [1]
      Refugees’ right to life and property: a case study of Nakivale Refugee Settlement [1]
      Regard for workers’ dignity: A remedy to the poor conditions of workers in Wakiso Town, Wakiso District [1]
      Regional integration : problems and prospects of the East African Community [1]
      Reintegration of ex-combatants and peace building in UGANDA: a case study of the Uganda National Rescue Front I 1981 – 2008 [1]
      Relationship between management and strikes in the secondary schools of Uganda: a case study of Ntungamo District [1]
      The relationship between poverty, conflict, and the challenges of peace building in Katakwi District [1]
      Relationship between reward management systems and staff performance at Uganda Prisons Service Headquarters, Parliamentary Avenue, Kampala [1]
      The relationship between teachers’ competences, role clarity, organizational citizenship behavior and school performance [1]
      Relationship between texts and contexts of federo songs in Uganda [1]
      The relationship between the training of catechists and their effectiveness in ministering to Christians in Bisanje Parish-Masaka Diocese [1]