Now showing items 439-458 of 1950

      David Rubadiri and the mentoring of a Malawian poetic tradition in English [1]
      Deafness, parental bonding, self-esteem and depression among adolescents. [1]
      Decentralisation and financial management in Uganda’s local governments: A case study of Mbarara District, 2001 - 2006. [1]
      Decentralisation and institutional mechanisms of accountability in Uganda’s local governments: a case study of Adjumani District [1]
      Decentralisation and the quality of education in rural government aided primary schools in Uganda: A case study of Kayunga district. [1]
      Decentralisation, community empowerment and livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda [1]
      Decentralization and the delivery of adolescent sexual and reproductive health services in Sironko District: 1990-2005 [1]
      Decentralization as an effective means of promoting the right to health: a case study of Kabale Municipality, Kabale District. [1]
      Decentralized health services and the children's right to health : a case study of Birere Sub-County, Isingiro District [1]
      Decision-making approaches in children's palliative care institutions: A case study of Hospice Africa, Uganda [1]
      Decolonization and Afro-Feminism [1]
      Deconstructing community policing strategies on Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) East, Uganda [1]
      The deconstruction of the naipaulian protagonist. [1]
      Deeper understanding of the Holy Eucharist: A strategy to strengthen faith among Catholics in Kalungu Parish-Masaka Diocese [1]
      Deployment stressors, coping strategies and psychological wellbeing of returned peacekeeping forces [1]
      Depression and cognitive deficits in Ugandan children with sickle cell anaemia [1]
      Depression and non-adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy: The Moderational role of stress [1]
      Depression, adherence to antiretroviral therapy, and the physical health of people living with HIV/AIDS [1]
      Depression, anxiety, peer pressure and substance use among Makerere University students [1]
      Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and operational performance of the Uganda Police Field Force Unit in Kampala Metropolitan East [1]