Now showing items 941-960 of 1783

      Interrogating child vulnerabilities in selected Ugandan contemporary fiction [1]
      Interventions against poverty in Rwanda: a case study of Ubudehe in Gatsibo District, Eastern Province, Rwanda [1]
      Intimate partner violence and masculinities: experiences of baganda male survivors in Masaka District, Uganda [1]
      Intimate partner violence victimization, psychological wellbeing and body self-image among male boda boda riders in Kawempe Municipality. [1]
      Intimate partner violence, alcohol abuse, and depression among female spouses to soldiers in Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) Luwero District [1]
      Intimate Partner Violence, Depression and Suicide Behaviours among Married Women in Mbale District. [1]
      Intimate Partner Violence, Social Support and Psychological Distress among Makerere University Female Students [1]
      Investigating the impact of mass media on catholic youth participation in evangelization in Biikira Parish in light of Inter Mirifica. [1]
      Investigating the right to nationality of stateless children: a case study of refugees in Kabalagala and Kisenyi slums Kampala Uganda [1]
      Investigating the role of community radio in disseminating income poverty alleviation messages in rural communities: A case study of Kagadi-Kibaale Community Radio [1]
      An investigation in the impact of social injustice on the practice of Catholic faith in St. Paul's Parish Mukono, in the light of Pacem in Terris [1]
      An investigation into female survivors’ experiences of intimate partner violence and access to justice in Uganda : a case of intimate relationships involving male police officers [1]
      An investigation into inadequate catechesis as a major cause of the influx of Catholics into the mushrooming Pentecostal churches: A case study of Kyengera Catholic Parish, Kampala Archdiocese. [1]
      An investigation into the attitude of young employees and work performance in Kampala extra region of Uganda Prisons Service [1]
      An investigation into the challenges faced by people with disability in their participation in the church activities in Lira Cathedral Parish - Lira Diocese [1]
      An investigation into the challenges to moral uprightness among the youth of Nebbi Catholic Parish in the light of Romans 7:18-25 [1]
      An investigation into the efficacy of regional peace building mechanisms in South Sudan [1]
      An investigation into the factors considered in choosing a marriage partner in relation to marriage stability in Ibanda Town Council in light of Familiaris Consortio [1]
      An investigation into the impact of Catholic education on families in Mugalike Parish in relation to Vatican II Gravissimum educationis [1]
      An investigation into the pastoral challenge posed by religious dualism on christian evangelization in Masaka Catholic Diocese: A study of Kyamuliibwa Parish. [1]