Now showing items 386-405 of 1783

      Crafted by hand: an analysis of how the readers negotiate the meaning of messages portrayed in the press political cartons [1]
      The creation of new districts and social service delivery in Uganda: A case study of Buikwe District [1]
      Credit Risk and Interest Rate Spreads in Banking: A case of Uganda [1]
      Crime scene management for successful prosecution of homicide cases in Ntungamo District [1]
      Crisis in Kabale District: a case study for food policy reforms [1]
      Critical analysis of the effectiveness of the national ethical values policy: Case study of the district of Mbale, Manafwa, and Bukedea 2013-2017 [1]
      Critical analysis on the participation of the lay faithfull in evangelization of Aboke Parish in reference to Christifideles Laici. [1]
      Critical evaluation of Tax Administration and Tax Compliance under The URA in Uganda [1]
      Critical evaluation of the implementation of the right to social rehabilitation in Uganda [1]
      A critical examination of the socio-economic conditions of Somali Refugees in Kisenyi, Kampala [1]
      A critical review of the approaches used by Non-Governmental Organizations in safeguarding the security of street children in Kampala Central Division [1]
      A critique of constitutional making and amendment in Uganda with reference to the 1967 and 1995 Constitutions [1]
      Cross-border mobility and development in East African Community: a Case study of Kyotera District (Uganda) and Missenyi District (Tanzania) [1]
      Cross-linguistic influence in third language production among Kiswahili learners [1]
      Cultural beliefs and the management of government development projects in Central Uganda: A case study of Poverty Eradication Action Plan in Nakawa Division [1]
      Cultural diversity and experiences of Refugees in the border district of Adjumani, Uganda [1]
      Cultural diversity and the role of traditional authority in local self governance: the case of Mozambique in Southern Africa [2]
      Cultural explanations of depression in children among the Baganda [1]
      Cultural sensitivity, client therapist alliance and therapeutic outcome among qualified practicing mental health professionals in Uganda [1]
      Cultural symbolism and representation of masculinities in kiga culture of Kanungu district, Uganda [1]