Now showing items 101-120 of 1783

      Assessing the sustainability of the settlement approach to Uganda's refugee response: a case study of Bidi Bidi refugee settlement [1]
      Assessing the translation quality of the English Bible into Leb Lango: a case study of the Biblical Gospels [1]
      An assessment of civil society organisations’ role in peace building in Uganda: A case study of the Acholi religious leaders’ peace initiative. [1]
      An assessment of community policing strategies to peace building efforts in Uganda: a case study of Kawempe Division, Kampala District. [1]
      Assessment of community radio in Tanzania: case study of Orkonerei Radio Service FM [1]
      An assessment of coping with socio-economic needs among Batwa of Kisoro district, Uganda [1]
      Assessment of factors affecting adherence to tuberculosis treatment in Northern Uganda : A case study of TB patients in Kitgum Hospital [1]
      An assessment of factors affecting primary seven pupils’ academic performance in private primary schools in Tororo Disrict In Uganda. [1]
      An assessment of male and female contribution to household livelihood through crop production in Hoima City [1]
      Assessment of opportunities and challenges of community targeting: The case of the district livelihoods support programme in Kyenjojo District. [1]
      Assessment of peace journalism practice in South Sudan : A case study of Radio Miraya Juba South Sudan [1]
      An assessment of Police effectiveness in crime management during pandemics: a case of COVID-19 in Central Police Station, Wakiso District [1]
      An assessment of policing on conflict transformation: a case of Gulu District [1]
      An assessment of school interventions in protecting adolescent students against risky sexual behaviours in Kampala and Luwero Districts [1]
      Assessment of the capacity of local governments to offer protection services to vulnerable children in Mpigi District [1]
      An assessment of the contribution of microcredit to household welfare improvement in Kayunga District [1]
      An assessment of the contribution of savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) on household welfare in Kakiri Sub-County, Wakiso District [1]
      An assessment of the contribution of the Roman Catholic Church leadership to entrepreneurial projects in Soroti Diocese [1]
      Assessment of the impact of refugee land rights on their relationship with host communities in Uganda: A case study of Kyangwali Refugee Settlement (2000 – 2017) [1]
      An assessment of the Leadership Code Act 2002 as a mechanism of controlling corruption in the public sector: A case study of Tororo District. [1]