Now showing items 812-831 of 1765

      "I never thought that this baby would survive; I thought that it would die any time'; perceptions and care for preterm babies in Eastern Uganda. [1]
      ICT and distance education in Makerere and Kyambogo Universities [1]
      Identity, indigeneity, and citizenship: the Nubi ethnic minority in Uganda [1]
      Ideology and state building in Germany : implications for Uganda [1]
      Illegitimate children among the Banyankole from pre-colonial to the president time [1]
      Illness and health seeking behaviors of street children in Kampala-Uganda [1]
      Images of disability in Samia oral literature [1]
      The impact 0f Eucharistic celebrations on Christian faith of Butiiti Parish–in light of Sacrosanctum Concilium Nos. 7 &11 [1]
      An impact evaluation of a micro community-based project: a case study of Nyabushozi County, Mbarara District [2]
      Impact of catechesis in schools on christian growth of the people of Lacor parish in light of catechesi tradendae [1]
      The impact of catholic Christians’ perceptions of an ideal African Christology doe effective Sunday Worship: Kkonge Parish, Kampala Archdiocese. [1]
      The impact of child neglect on human dignity in Kitgum Mission Parish in light of Humanae Dignitatis [1]
      The impact of Christian education on the morality of students in Ssaza parish in light of Gravissimum educationis [1]
      The impact of Christian values in eradicating social evils in Kasana Cathedral Parish in light of Fratelli Tutti. [1]
      Impact of commercial priorities on newspaper content in Uganda : a case study of the New Vision [1]
      Impact of community based conflict on access to basic education in Uganda: A case study of Mukono District [1]
      The impact of conflict on women's reproductive rights in Uganda 1990-2010 : a case study of Gulu District [1]
      The impact of credit facilities on women empowerment: The case of FINCA in Igara County, Bushenyi District. [1]
      Impact of cyber threat to the security of Rwanda [1]
      Impact of decentralisation on service delivery to primary schools: a case study of Iganga District [1]