Now showing items 1466-1485 of 1765

      The role of the family towards proper child development in Rubaga Division in the light of Familiaris Consortio [1]
      Role of the human person in land conservation: a consideration of Kabale women’s efforts in environment management [1]
      The Role of the Laity in Evangelization in St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, Kitgum Mission (Gulu Archdiocese) in Light of Christifideles Laici 1988 [1]
      The role of the laity in the evangelization in light of Apostolicam Actuositatem: Case study Teboke Catholic Parish [1]
      The role of the laity in the evangelization of Parombo catholic Parish in light of the apostolic exhortation christifideles laici [1]
      The role of the laity in the formation of priests in Ibanda Parish – Mbarara Archdiocese in light of Pastores Dabo Vobis of Pope John Paul II. [1]
      The role of the Norwegian Refugee Council in peace building in Gulu District Northern Uganda [1]
      The role of the religious in evangelization of toroma catholic parish in light of evangelica testificatio [1]
      The role of the Ugandan Military in a liberalised economy [1]
      The role of trade unions in the defence of workers’ rights: a case of the National Union of Plantation and Agricultural Workers in Uganda (NUPAWU) [1]
      The role of Universal Primary Education in the alleviation of domestic child labour in Uganda: The case of Nakawa division, Kampala district. [1]
      The role of UPDF in establishing peace and stability in the Great Lakes Region [1]
      The role of village savings and loan association schemes on women empowerment among farmer organizations supported by the United Nations World Food Programme in Soroti District [1]
      The role of visual arts in post conflict reconstruction in Northern Uganda. [1]
      The role of women empowerment in promoting peace: a case study of Mukono district, Uganda, 1986-2021. [1]
      The Role of Women in Conflict Resolution in Post War Northern Uganda [1]
      The role of women in peace-building processes among refugees; A case of Kiryandongo refugee settlement [1]
      The role of women in promoting peace and reconciliation in families, in light of Africae Munus, in Katikamu Parish [1]
      The role played by non-governmental organizations in the fight against illiteracy in Uganda: a case study of World Vision Uganda (Kapeeka & Namusaale Sub Counties) Nakaseke District during 2005-2009 [1]
      The roles of Nigiina self-help projects in empowering women in eradicating poverty: A case study of two women groups in Kawempe Division, Kampala District, Uganda, 2001-2010 [1]