Now showing items 150-169 of 235

      Marketing culture, values of owner managers, moral reasoning and survival of SMEs in Southern Highlands of Tanzania: a case study [1]
      Microfinance credit lending terms, networks and performance of women enterprises: The case of Brac Uganda Ltd, Wakiso District [1]
      Moral intensity, moral competence and compliance with the Ugandan Public Procurement Law by procurement personnel: A case of Ugandan Central government PDE’s. [1]
      Non monetary rewards, teacher engagement, organizational citizenship behaviour and teacher performance in private secondary schools in Kampala, Mukono and Wakiso districts. [1]
      Non-financial rewards and employee job satisfaction in Civil Aviation Authority – Uganda [1]
      Occupational stress, organizational citizenship behaviour, psychological contract and performance among field workers: a case of World Vision Uganda [1]
      Operant competencies, distributive justice and organisational citizenship behavior among public sector accountants [1]
      Organisational climate, competencies, empowerment, organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour in the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in Uganda [1]
      Organisational climate, organisational learning, innovation and academic achievement in government aided primary schools in Kampala District [1]
      Organisational culture, human resource practices and managed counterproductive work behavior in selected child-care giving NGOs of World Vision, Plan International, Child Fund International and ANPPCAN [1]
      Organisational culture, organisational change, empowerment, organisational citizenship behaviour and employee performance : a case study of Posta Uganda. [1]
      Organisational justice, employee trust, employee commitment and service quality in Uganda Revenue Authority [1]
      Organizational climate, organizational social capital, competences, empowerment and commitment to Results-Oriented Management (ROM) in the Ministry of Works and Transport [1]
      Organizational conflict, psychological contract, commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour: a case of Kyambogo University [1]
      Organizational culture, employee commitment, service quality and customer retention in Med-Net, Uganda [1]
      Organizational culture, leader-member exchange, organizational commitment and quality education: The case of public universities in Uganda [1]
      Organizational culture, organizational capabilities, change processes and change implementation: A case of Makerere University Business School [1]
      Organizational internal environment, job satisfaction and employee commitment in private hospitals in Kampala Central Division [1]
      Out sourcing, risk management, lean production and profitability in selected manufacturing firms in Uganda [1]
      Outsourcing management and value for money in the public sector [1]