Now showing items 1-20 of 661

      Accessing the Sewer Infrastructure Susceptible to damage due to Flooding in Kampala Area [1]
      Activated carbon from cassava peels for removal of active pharmaceutical ingredients from wastewater. [1]
      Adaptation of the smart methodology to value management of the Uganda School Facilities Grant programme [1]
      An Advanced protection scheme to avert blackouts due to transmission network overload. [1]
      Alwi dry corridor water supply project in Nyarwodo, Nebbi District [1]
      Analyses of spatio–temporal dynamics of wetland cover in Kampala [1]
      Analysis of Phenological and Growing season dynamics in Savannah ecosystem of Karamoja sub-region, Uganda. [1]
      Analysis of spatial-temporal patterns of African swine fever in Uganda [1]
      Analysis of successive rainfall water on urban flooding in Kigali-Rwanda for designing a spatially based flood management model using geospatial techniques [1]
      Analysis of the contribution made by the clinker cement manufacturing process to greenhouse gas emissions in Uganda. [1]
      Analyzing contributing factors to construction claims on water projects in Uganda using multivariate regression modelling [1]
      Analyzing the effectiveness of gasifier-produced biochar as a soil amendment in the humid tropics [1]
      Analyzing the potential of Cycling in the CBD of Kampala City. [1]
      The application of environmental sustainability principles in housing construction projects: a case study of Solana Lubowa housing project [1]
      Application of gas path analysis for performance monitoring and maintenance evaluation of a turbofan gas turbine [1]
      Application of GIS in crime prediction: a case study of burglary within Nakawa Division, Kampala District [1]
      Application of high resolution satellite imargery for updating topographic maps of Uganda [1]
      Application of nanotechnology in the development of briquettes from selected biomass in Uganda [1]
      Application of process technologies for improved salt production from Lake Katwe, Uganda [1]
      Application of risk management to improve performance: The case of infrastructure projects in Mbale District [1]