Now showing items 526-545 of 763

      Optimal generation scheduling approach for improved power transmission grid performance of Uganda [1]
      Optimal shunt capacitor bank design for limiting voltage dip severity on Wabigalo feeder [1]
      Optimisation of physical and mechanical properties of a coffee parchment husk ash-based porcelain tile using response surface methodology [1]
      Optimisation of recycled polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottle fibres in glasscrete [1]
      Optimization and life cycle costing of a Hybrid power system for Waste management. [1]
      Optimization of bamboo derived bio-char production as a precursor for generation of energy storage activated carbon [1]
      Optimization of conditions for preparation of eggshell-zeolite composite as a potential surfactant adsorbent for hand-washing wastewater [1]
      Optimization of lime-pozzolana mixes in stabilising gravels for the road base [1]
      Optimization of the economic dispatch model for off-grid hybrid power systems with renewable energy in Uganda. [1]
      Optimization of the pyrolysis conditions for production of rice husk-based bio-oils as an energy carrier [1]
      Optimization of the use of pickling waste from steel industry as an enhancer in biogas production [1]
      Optimized planning of isolated renewable energy systems for rural electrification in Uganda [1]
      Options of energy conservation in the brick and tile making industry in Uganda [1]
      Paper bead[ing] as agency: shaping women’s subjectivities and the practice of jewelry-making in Uganda [1]
      Participatory physical planning in Uganda: investigation on public participation processes during the preperation of the 1994 Kampala structure plan [1]
      Pattern driven data interoperability in situation awareness systems : a case of the Disaster Community in Uganda [1]
      The pattern language approach as a bridge connecting formal and informal urban planning practices in Africa [1]
      People’s perception of urban tourism facilities in Uganda : a case study of the source of the River Nile - Jinja city council [1]
      Performance characterisation of a husk powered system for rural electrification in Uganda. [1]
      Performance Of Technical and Vocational Training System towards Skill Development in Uganda [1]