Now showing items 211-230 of 540

      Efficiency of solid waste management in Kampala Capital City. [1]
      Efforts by small-scale farmers to maintain soil fertility and their impacts on soil properties, Luwero District, Uganda [1]
      Elephant damage and tree response in restored parts of Kibale National Park, Uganda [1]
      Energetic content of selected commercial fish species of Lakes Edward and George, Western Uganda [1]
      Environmental impacts of tourism development on River Nile in Uganda. [1]
      The epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle at the livestock-wildlife interface of Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda [1]
      ESIA of the proposed upgrade for Bombo-Ndegye-Kalasa road [1]
      Estimating fruit yield from Vitex payos (Lour) Merr. In semi-arid Eastern province of Kenya: application of allometric equations. [1]
      Estimating soil properties in patched vegetation landscapes using remote sensing [1]
      Estimation of carbon stock and emissions from BAT plantations and Tobacco Barns in 2013 in Arua District [1]
      Ethno-nomenclature of the Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.) and its products in the Shea zones of Uganda [1]
      Evaluating climate adapted push-pull technology for Striga hermonthica - maize stem borer management and forage production among smallholder farmers in Eastern Uganda [1]
      Evaluating the implication of Hybrid Solar Energy electrification on people’s livelihood: A case of Bugala Island, Kalangala District [1]
      An evaluation of community participation in making of a district environment action plan: A case study of Bushenyi District [1]
      An evaluation of cross-infection of Botryosphaeria isolates among tree species used for agroforestry and plantations in Uganda [1]
      Evaluation of Metarhizium anisopliae for integrated management of termite infestation on farmed lands [1]
      Evaluation of rooting performance of pinus caribaea cuttings in Uganda [1]
      Evaluation of soil and soil improvement methods for ginger production in Ntenjeru Subcounty [1]
      Evaluation of solid waste management in informal settlements Kampala City, Uganda Case study of Nateete Parish, Rubaga Division [1]
      An evaluation of suitable trees for ecosystem service delivery in coffee-agroforestry in Central Uganda [1]