Now showing items 1228-1247 of 1328

      Tamarindus indica l genetic structure and niche ecology. [1]
      Technical and institutional capacity in local organisations to manage decentralised forest resources in Uganda [1]
      Technical efficiency of layer chicken farmers in Kasese district [1]
      Temporal changes in diet of Budongo Forest Chimpanzees [1]
      Termites (Isoptera) as food in the Luhya Community (Western Kenya) [1]
      Timber commodity chain organisation, performance and dynamics in Uganda [1]
      Timber use practices in Uganda’s building construction industry: current situation and future prospects [1]
      Tolerance to sality and its Inheritance in lowland rice in Uganda [1]
      Towards effective gene pyramiding for disease resistance and trait selection in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) [1]
      Towards improvement of Ugandan cassava germplasm for drought tolerance [1]
      Toxicological risk associated with consumption of rice sold in Uganda [1]
      Trace element concentrations in vegetables, drinking water and house dust as risk factors for incidences of respiratory and gastro-intestinal diseases among residents of Kilembe mine area, Kasese district [1]
      Tracing Uganda’s global primary organic pineapple value chain [1]
      Trade-offs and economic impacts of replacing Tobacco with alternative crops in smallholder cropping systems in Hoima District, Uganda [1]
      Trade-offs in adoption of Poultry Technologies: A case of peri-urban Kampala district [1]
      Traditional farming and plant species diversity in agricultural landscape of South-Western Uganda [1]
      Traditional farming and plant species divesity in agricultural landscapes of South-Western Uganda [1]
      Traditional medicine as an alternative form of health care system: a preliminary case study of Nangabo Sub-County, Central Uganda [1]
      Training course for community based animal health workers in Kazo, 16th – 22nd April 2000 [1]
      Transaction costs and governance of value chains of organic pineapples from Uganda [1]