Now showing items 1097-1116 of 1328

      Reaction of a ferralsol to the acidifying effect of nitrogen fertilization [1]
      Reaction of rice cultivars to a virulent rice yellow mottle virus strain in Uganda [1]
      Reaction of waxy and opaque-2 inbreds and their derived progenies to multiple foliar diseases of maize in Uganda [1]
      Real estate development, land tenure and land value dynamics in the Peri-urban areas of Greater Kampala City [1]
      Recruitment and volume increment of selected indigenous tree species in Mabira Forest Reserve, Central Uganda [2]
      Reducing the carbon footprint from transportation in growing cities: Application of city planning approaches in Kampala City, Uganda [1]
      Refugee household livelihood strategy choices in Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Regeneration status of indigenous forest tree species of Mt. Otzi Forest Reserve, Moyo District [1]
      The relationship between rural livelihoods and the condition of forests in Uganda: a policy brief [1]
      Relationships between drying defect parameters and some growth characteristics in kiln-dried South African grown Eucalyptus grandis poles [1]
      Relative efficiency of sawmill types operating in Uganda's softwood plantations [1]
      Reliability of scored patient-generated subjective global assessment in determining nutritional status of HIV infected adults attending TASO Mulago Clinic [2]
      Resilience of forest trees to debarking by elephants in Rabongo Forest, Murchison Falls National Park - Uganda. [1]
      Resilient conservation farming systems and land degradation in Bungokho Mutoto Ridge of Mt. Elgon Watershed, Eastern Uganda [1]
      Resistance to the weevils Cylas puncticollis and Cylas brunneus conferred by sweetpotato root surface compounds [1]
      Resistance in tropical maize to the maize weevil and larger grain borer. [1]
      Resistance of cowpea to scab disease and diversity of Sphaceloma SP. occurring in Uganda [1]
      Resistance of farmer preferred varieties and use of varietal mixtures to control angular leaf spot disease in common beans. [1]
      Resistance of selected cassava genotypes to whiteflies in Malawi. [1]
      Resistance of soybean germplasm to the groundnut leaf miner (aproaerema modicella) in Uganda [1]