Now showing items 933-952 of 1328

      Occurrence of cassava mosaic disease and characterization of casual viruses in Mozambique [1]
      Oil content and physicochemical characteristics of oils from wild plants of Kivu Region, Democratic Republic of Congo [1]
      Oil infrastructure development: Displacement and livelihood implications for communities in Kabaale parish, Buseruka Sub County-Hoima District [1]
      Okuganyulwa mu Bulunzi bw’Embizzi (How to benefit from pig farming) [2]
      On-farm management of Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn. in Amuria District, Eastern Uganda [1]
      On-farm tree/shrub species diversity, distribution and utilization in Asuret Sub County, Soroti District. [1]
      Opportunities and constraints in developing forestry curriculum to meet farmers' needs under the Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture in Uganda [1]
      Optimisation of in vitro techniques for cassava brown streak virus elimination from infected cassava clones in Uganda. [1]
      Optimization of biogas production from banana peels: Effect of particle size on methane yield [1]
      Optimization of numerical models for operational weather forecasting in Uganda [1]
      Optimization of plantation sawmill performance in Uganda. [1]
      Optimization of saccharification for Obushera production using commercial enzymes [1]
      Optimization of the extrusion processing conditions for a banana based composite flour for weaning children 6-24 months [1]
      Optimization of the process for production of mango enriched carrot-tomato ketchup [1]
      Optimizing Ingredient levels for the production of Eshabwe, a milk-based sauce from western Uganda. [1]
      Optimizing inoculation methods of pest-suppressing root-endophytic fungi for mass application in a commercial banana tissue culture [1]
      Optimizing phosphorus availability for bean production on a high altitude andosol [1]
      Optimizing the processing conditions and formulation of a banana-vegetables instant soup flour [1]
      Optimizing traditional processing and preservation techniques of cowpea leaves [1]
      Orange fleshed sweet potato as a potential colourant in bread [1]