Decentralization policy and human resource management of Universal Primary Education in Central Uganda
The study was concerned with the implementation of decentralization policy and the Human Resource Management in UPE Schools. There was a concern whether the implementation of decentralization policy had improved HRM functions in UPE sector. The study was conducted in Central Uganda region. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of decentralization policy and the recruitment, deployment and professional development of personnel in UPE sector. The study utilized mixed methods i.e. both qualitative and quantitative research approaches (Amin, 2005). The research was a descriptive cross sectional survey which used a variety of instruments i.e. self-administered questionnaire, interviews, focus group discussion and document analysis to collect data. The sample was obtained by both probabilities and non-probabilistic sampling techniques. The study revealed that there is a mismatch between the staff needs and national staff ceiling policy size, resources allocated to districts which are not enough to perform HRM functions and the decentralization policy has limitations that compromised the effective HRM function in districts. Therefore, there is an urgent need to revisit and harmonise the national policies and the decentralization policy itself.