Now showing items 194-213 of 316

      Nitrosoamines and narcotic drugs in smokeless tobacco products sold on Kampala City markets [1]
      The numerical range of linear relations and stability theorems [1]
      Occurence and characterisation of root rot fungi infecting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Rubirizi District, South-Western Uganda. [1]
      Occurrence of Pesticides Residues in Feeds, the Pond Environment and Farmed Fish. A case Study of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya [1]
      The occurrence of selected antibiotics in fish and benthic invertebrates (oligochaetes) from lake victoria, uganda [1]
      Occurrence, eco-toxicological risk assessment, sorption and degradation of selected emerging organic chemical pollutants in water and sediments of Lake Victoria, Uganda [1]
      Ocurence of culturable Vibrio Cholerae from Lake Victoria, and Rift Valley Lakes Albert and George, Uganda [1]
      Oil production optimization of the Norne Field E-Segment, Norway using Eclipse 100 Simulation Model [1]
      On algebraic and topological properties of continuous functions over a compact Hausdorff space [1]
      On generalized solutions of locally Fuchsian ordinary differential equations [1]
      On Hulls of Semiprime Rings [1]
      On the classification of algebraic structures using quivers [1]
      On the irreducible representation of symmetric groups S6 and S7 [1]
      On the Wavelet Analysis of Square Integrable Functions. [1]
      Optical and electrical properties of thermally deposited aluminium thin films [1]
      Optimising spawning conditions and growth performance of larvae and juveniles in Barbus altianalis (Boulenger, 1900) [1]
      Optimization of Expected Utility of Consumption and Terminal wealth in a portfolio in continuous time. [1]
      Optimization of the electrical resistivity of magnetron sputtered Aluminium and Boron co-doped zinc oxide thin films for solar cells [1]
      Organochlorine pesticide residues in Uganda’s honey as a bioindicator of environmental contamination and reproductive health implications to consumers [1]
      Organochlorine pesticides in honey and soils from areas surrounding an abandoned store at Masindi District, Western Uganda [1]