Delegation and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Mukono District: A case of Mukono Town Council Schools
The study investigated delegation and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Mukono District: A Case of Mukono Town Council Schools. It examined the relationship between allocation of activities to teachers and job satisfaction; the relationship between assignment of responsibilities to teachers and their job satisfaction and the relationship between power position of teachers and their job satisfaction. The study was prompted by the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Mukono Town Council. The study used both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The samples of the study included teachers and head teachers. Data was collected using self administered questionnaires and an interview guide. It was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS 13.0) programme using Person’s correlation coefficient index. From the findings, it was established that allocation of activities to teachers, assignment of responsibilities and power position of the teachers lead to their job satisfaction. From the findings of the study, it was concluded that there is a positive relationship between allocation of activities to teachers, assignment of responsibilities to teachers and power
position of teachers and their job satisfaction. The researcher recommends that head teachers should allocate more activities to teachers, assign more responsibilities and also give them more powers in the positions they occupy to execute responsibilities. All this is likely to lead to their job satisfaction.