Educational resources and the internal efficiency of secondary schools in Rubaga Division, Kampala District
The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between educational resources and the internal efficiency of secondary schools in Rubaga Division. The research particularly sought to examine the relationship between instructional materials, human resources and financial resources and the internal efficiency of the schools in the Division. A cross sectional survey design was used to collect data from a sample of 234 teachers from 20 secondary schools who filled questionnaires. The study also used an interview guide to gather qualitative data from head teachers. Tables and percentages were used to show the distribution of respondents on different questions and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient test facilitated by the SPSS was used to verify the research hypotheses. From the results of the study, significant positive correlations were found between internal efficiency and each of the three independent variables namely: instructional materials, availability of human resources and financial resources. On the basis of the findings, the study concluded that adequacy of instructional resources; availability of human resource and availability of financial resources are all positively correlated with the internal efficiency of secondary schools in Rubaga Division. It was therefore recommended that to increase the level of internal efficiency; there is a need to equip schools with the necessary instructional materials, adequate mechanisms and procedures should be put in place while recruiting, retaining and promoting the personnel at schools. Finally, the researcher suggests that school administrators should create sources of income to ensure smooth running of school activities