The perception of teachers and students towards the use of field work in the teaching of Geography at A- level in Kayonza District, Rwanda
The study investigated the perceptions of teachers and students towards the use of field work in the teaching of geography at A- level in Kayonza. The study was guided by the following research questions; what are the students’ perceptions of fieldwork as a method of teaching geography? What are the teachers’ perceptions towards using fieldwork method in geography? Do teachers use field work method in teaching geography? The study employed a descriptive survey design based on a cross section of the study population. A-Level students from seven secondary schools in Kayonza District formed the parent and sample population. The student sample comprised 40 students from each school to make a total of 280, 13 A- level Geography teachers. The study employed questionnaires, interview guides, focus group discussion guides and documentary analysis as tools for data collection. The results revealed that, few schools use fieldwork as a teaching method. It was also discovered that Fieldwork improves students’ understanding of concepts and most students perceived field study as a practical method of teaching geography. It was therefore concluded that students had a positive perception of fieldwork as a teaching methodology. It was established that teachers widely commend fieldwork as one of the best appropriate method of teaching geography to be applied where it is necessary. It was also established that fieldwork brings the abstract learning to real life situation. Teachers disclosed that fieldwork enhances recall and brings closer imagination to real life situation and helps students widen and diversify their thinking and reasoning abilities. It was concluded that teachers strongly had a positive perception towards using fieldwork as a teaching methodology. The study established that most of the schools did not have the required materials to support fieldwork studies. Lastly the study made the following recommendations 1. Teachers should increase on the use of field work as method of teaching geography since it is appreciated by the students. Head teachers should ensure the use of field work method through supervising teachers’ preparations budgetary allocation to field work activities. 2. The government and PTA should put in place a framework and resources for motivating teachers who use creativity and motivation as a teaching method in geography. This is because teachers acknowledge its importance but avoid it due to its nature. Motivation by giving them incentives will encourage them to comply it. 3. The government through ministry of education and the parents should provide recourses for supporting fieldwork method. This is through provision of finance and fieldwork equipment. More to that schools be encouraged to developed their own geography teaching aid like, Map extracts (for various places in Rwanda), Compass, Meter ruler, Tracing papers, Clipboards which can be made easily.