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dc.contributor.authorNakanwangi, Zaituni
dc.identifier.citationNakanwangi, Z. (2023). Using instructional materials in teaching literacy 1 in lower primary classes in selected primary schools in Wakiso district, Uganda; unpublished thesis, Makerere Universityen_US
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Education In Language and Literature Of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study was about ‘Using Instructional materials in teaching Literacy 1 in lower classes in selected primary schools in Wakiso District. It aimed at exploring how teachers use instructional materials in teaching literacy 1 in lower primary classes in selected primary schools in Wakiso District. It was carried out in two government aided primary schools in Wakiso District. The study was guided by three objectives and these were; (1) to establish the available instructional materials used in teaching literacy 1 in lower primary classes in selected primary schools in Wakiso District. (2) to explore how teachers use instructional materials in teaching literacy 1 in lower primary classes in selected primary schools in Wakiso District. (3) to examine the challenges faced by teachers in using instructional materials in teaching literacy 1 in lower primary classes in selected primary schools in Wakiso District. This study was guided by Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura (1977). This qualitative study focused on assessing how. Information was provided by a total of 4 teachers of lower primary classes that is from primary one to primary three and 2 head teachers who were purposively selected from 2 primary schools in Wakiso District. Data was collected using a structured interview and observation guide and analyzed using content analysis. The findings revealed that, teachers mostly used teacher made Instructional materials, like charts and faced constraints in acquiring them, since the schools faced financial challenges in procuring commercially made ones. The limited access to Instructional materials narrowed teachers’ understanding of Instructional materials use in teaching literacy 1 and most of them had them as class decorations. Teacher made instructional materials were said to be more effective since they are made from locally sourced materials. Some children participated in instructional materials development, giving them opportunity to learn quite a lot from them.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectTeaching literacy 1 in lower primary classesen_US
dc.titleUsing instructional materials in teaching literacy 1 in lower primary classes in selected primary schools in Wakiso district, Ugandaen_US

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