Now showing items 6047-6066 of 12510

      Immunization coverage and risk factors for high dropout in Rakai district. [1]
      Immunological and clinical profiles of asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia in HIV/AIDS patients in Uganda [1]
      Immunological and genetic risk factors associated with cognitive and neurological impairment in severe malaria in Ugandan children [1]
      Immunological Biomarkers among patients with Severe COVID-19 [1]
      Immunological consequence of alcohol consumption on mucosa derived CD4+ T cell phenotype and In Vitro susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. [1]
      Immunomodulatory activity of methanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera in Wistar Albino rats [1]
      The impact 0f Eucharistic celebrations on Christian faith of Butiiti Parish–in light of Sacrosanctum Concilium Nos. 7 &11 [1]
      An impact evaluation of a micro community-based project: a case study of Nyabushozi County, Mbarara District [2]
      The impact of abstraction on the quality and quantity of groundwater in Kampala: A case of Kawempe Division [1]
      Impact of adoption lag of soil and water conservation practices on crop productivity in Sio-Malaba Malakisi basin of Kenya-Uganda border [1]
      Impact of agricultural value addition on economic growth in Uganda (1983 - 2018) [1]
      Impact of antiretroviral therapy on the incidence of Kaposi’s sarcoma in resource-rich and resource-limited settings [1]
      Impact of catechesis in schools on christian growth of the people of Lacor parish in light of catechesi tradendae [1]
      The impact of catholic Christians’ perceptions of an ideal African Christology doe effective Sunday Worship: Kkonge Parish, Kampala Archdiocese. [1]
      Impact of changing from commercial transaction levy (CTL) and sales tax to value added tax (VAT) on economic growth in Uganda for the period 1987-2012 [1]
      The impact of child neglect on human dignity in Kitgum Mission Parish in light of Humanae Dignitatis [1]
      The impact of Christian education on the morality of students in Ssaza parish in light of Gravissimum educationis [1]
      The impact of Christian values in eradicating social evils in Kasana Cathedral Parish in light of Fratelli Tutti. [1]
      Impact of climate and land use land cover change on water quality in Sironko catchment, Mt. Elgon [1]
      Impact of climate change on agricultural production in a montane agro-ecological zone of Bufumbo Sub-county, Mbale District, Easter Uganda. [1]