Now showing items 598-617 of 12711

      Antimicrobial susceptibility of 3rd generation Cephalosporins-resistant escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter spp isolates carried in the gut of patients on admission to Mulago Hospital [1]
      Antimicrobial Susceptibility of 3rd Generation Cephalosporins-Resistant Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter spp Isolates Carried in the Gut of Patients on admission to Mulago Hospital. [1]
      Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns among neonates admitted with Neonat al Septicemia at Mulago Hospital Acute Care Unit [1]
      Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of klebsiella species associated with mastitis in cattle from Ssembabule District, Uganda [1]
      Antimicrobial use in pig production and its associated risk factors in Wakiso District, Uganda [1]
      Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of propolis extracts from four ecological zones of Uganda: its potential application in livestock health. [1]
      Antiphospholipid antibodies and recurrent pregnancy loss among women seen at Mulago hospital: A matched case control study [1]
      Antiplasmodial activities of extracts and pure compounds from Securidaca Longipedunclata Fresen (Polygalaceae) [1]
      Antiplasmodial activity, Toxicity and Phytochemistry of Selected Plant Species used by Rukararwe and Prometra Herbalists in Treatment of Malaria in Uganda [1]
      Antipsychotic side effects profile and associated factors among Inpatients with First Episode Psychosis at Butabika Hospital, Uganda [1]
      Antiretroviral drug prescribing practices in the HIV/AIDS treatment in Kampala and its neighbouring Districts [1]
      Antiretroviral resistance mutation profiles among drug regimens and HIV-1 Subtypes in Uganda [1]
      Antiretroviral therapy improves cognitive impairment in HIV individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa [1]
      Antiretroviral therapy in developing countries: pharmacologic considerations [1]
      Anxiety and coping as predictors of parenting practices during the COVID-19 pandemic [1]
      Anxiety, depression and coping strategies among caregivers of children with mental retardation and those with acute illnesses: A Ugandan case study [1]
      Anxiety, depression and coping Strategies among mothers during postpartum period at Mengo Hospital-Uganda [1]
      (Anyeko, P. 2023.) Characterizing flood risk in the Aswa catchment, upper Nile water management zone of Uganda [1]
      Anyi Tra As Fonyi Ga (Concentrate on studies) [1]
      Anyukwa vudri rii. [1]