Now showing items 3763-3782 of 12709

      Effect of legume companion cropping on fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) incidence and damage on maize in Uganda [1]
      Effect of legume foliage supplementary feeding to dairy cattle offered Pennisetum purpureum basal diet on feed intake and manure quality [1]
      The effect of liberalization on the growth and development of markets in Kampala District [1]
      The effect of liberalization on the growth and development of Markets in Kampala District. [1]
      Effect of Liquidity Management on the Performance of Commercial Banks: A Case of Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited [1]
      Effect of livestock production systems on physical and chemical properties of water: A case of Mpigi District [1]
      Effect of Lugazi Town Council abattoir effluent on surface water quality in Nkoko-Busabaga stream in Buikwe District, Uganda [1]
      Effect of macroeconomic factors on industrial output in Rwanda (2006-2018) [1]
      The effect of malaria on agricultural production in Uganda [1]
      The effect of management of academic affairs on the examination process in Makerere University [1]
      Effect of Manufactured exports on economic growth in Uganda (1994Q1-2018Q4) [1]
      Effect of marker aided pyramiding of anthracnose and pythium root rot resistance genes on plant agronomic characters among advanced common bean genotypes [1]
      Effect of mentorship and technical health systems strengthening (MaTHSS) model on HIV/AIDS medicines management at private not for profit health facilities in Uganda : a retrospective before and after study [1]
      Effect of method of storing cattle faeces on the physical and chemical characteristics of the resultant composted cattle manure [1]
      The Effect of Micro-Credit on Women Empowerment in Uganda: The Case of BRAC [1]
      Effect of Micro-Finance Services on the Social-Economic Wellbeing Of Members: a Case Study Of Wazalendo Sacco [1]
      The effect of microfinance outreach services on poverty reduction in Busoga sub- region: A case study of Iganga district [1]
      Effect of military expenditure on economic growth in Uganda: An ARDL bounds testing approach [1]
      Effect of mixed mycobacterium tuberculosis infection on the performance of rapid molecular diagnostic test among patients initiating MDR-TB treatment at Mulago National TB treatment [1]
      The effect of mobile money on expanding access to formal financial services in Uganda: a case of Kampala City [1]