College of Education and External Studies (CEES): Recent submissions
Now showing items 481-500 of 679
Institutional dimensions of quality assurance and teaching in Makerere University.
(Makerere University, 2013-11)The study sought to investigate Institutional Dimensions of Quality Assurance and Teaching in Makerere University. Three (03) research objectives guided the study; How has the coercive element of quality assurance and ... -
Parents perspectives and their involvement in Reproductive Health Education of their in-school adolescents in Soroti Municipality, Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2013-11)The study investigated parents’ perspectives and their involvement in reproductive health education of their in-school adolescents in Soroti Municipality, Uganda. Three specific objectives that guided the study were; ... -
The challenges and managing of examinations in Public Universities in Uganda.
(2011-06)This study sought to investigate the challenges of managing of examinations in public universities in Uganda. The objectives of the study were to examine the challenges of internal examination and administration despite ... -
Communication and Academic Staff responsiveness to duty in the College of Education and External Studies in Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2013-11)The study sought to establish the relationship between communication and academic staff responsiveness in College of Education and external studies Makerere University. The study aimed at achieving the following specific ... -
Accessibility To Tuition Free Universal Primary Education By Rural Households: A Case Of Busolwe Sub- County- Butaleja District
(2012-09)The purpose of this study was to establish the factors affecting accessibility to tuition free universal primary education by rural households. The study was conducted in Busolwe Sub County in Butaleja district. The major ... -
Organizational climate and research productivity of Academic Staff in Makerere University
(Makerere University, 2013-10)The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between each of reward system, peer relationship and rules and regulations on the one hand and research productivity of the academic staff in Makerere University. ... -
Incentives and employee commitment of lecturers in the College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University.
(Makerere University, 2013-10)The study sought to investigate and establish the influence of incentives on employee commitment of lecturers in Makerere University. It was guided by two objectives, that is to say to establish the influence of monetary, ... -
The influence of School environment under Free Primary Education on the quality of education in Liberian public schools in Jorquelleh District, Bong County.
(Makerere University, 2013-10)The study sought the influence of school environment on the quality of education in primary schools in Jorquelleh District. School environment was believed to have an influence on the quality of education and was conceptualized ... -
Management practices and commitment of academic staff at Uganda Christian University (UCU), Mukono, Uganda
(Makerere University, 2012-07)The study sought to investigate the relationship that exists between management practices and the commitment of academic staff at Uganda Christian University (Mukono). It was guided by three objectives: to establish the ... -
An investigation of the factors that affect students’ choice of physics at Advanced Level in Kabale District
(Makerere University, 2013-05)This study investigated the possible factors influencing students’ choice of Physics allied combinations like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM), Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB), Physics, Economics and Mathematics ... -
ICT literacy and utilization of electronic information resources by students in Ndejje University
(Makerere University, 2013-10)The study objectives were to establish the relationship between attendance of ICT training programmes, ability to use ICT hardware facilities and ability to use ICT application software and Utilization of Electronic ... -
Factors influencing Secondary school stundents' preferred choice of science subjects in South Western Uganda.
(Makerere University, 2013-08)Student enrollment in science and technology is critical for scientific literacy, sustainable socio-economic growth and transformation of any nation. Unfortunately, there are consistently low enrollment and graduation rates ... -
The influence of institutional mergers on library service delivery at Kyambogo University Library
(Makerere University, 2012-10)The purpose of this study was to find the influence of institutional mergers on library service delivery at Kyambogo University. The study was guided by three objectives namely; (i) to find out the influence of institutional ... -
The perceived teachers’ motivation and its effect on students’ academic performance at A’level in selected secondary schools in Masaka District
(Makerere University, 2009-11)The study investigated whether the perceived teacher’s motivation has an effect on students’ academic performance in selected Advanced level secondary schools in Masaka District. The objectives of the study were; the ... -
Teacher recruitment, deployment and retention in Uganda's Secondary schools
(Makerere University, 2014-01)Prompted by inequitable distribution of teachers in Secondary Schools, this study focused on an analysis of the process for recruiting, deployment and retention of Secondary School teachers in Uganda. The study relied on ... -
The implication of finance resource management to academic performance of primary schools in Lugazi Town Council, Mukono District
(Makerere University, 2009-08)The study focused on the implication of finance resource management to academic performance of primary schools with special focus on primary schools in Lugazi Town Council, Mukono District. The study adopted a cross ... -
Instructional resources and students' acquisition of practical skills in Physics in Private Secondary schools in Luwero District.
(Makerere University, 2013-11)The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between instructional resources and students’ acquisition of practical skills in Physics in private secondary schools in Luwero District. Specifically, the study ... -
Home background and student academic performance in secondary schools in Lubaga Division, Kampala District
(Makerere University, 2009-11)The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of home background on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in Lubaga Division Kampala Division. The study was conducted in that particular area because ... -
Teaching methods and students’ performance in Fine Art in private secondary schools in Kakoba Division, Mbarara District
(Makerere University, 2013-06)This dissertation is about the study that was carried out to investigate the relationship between the teaching methods and students performance in Fine Art in Private Secondary Schools in Kakoba division, Mbarara district. ... -
Institutional resource planning and the internal efficiency of Universal Primary Education (UPE) schools in Kalungu County in Masaka District
(Makerere University, 2009-11)The research study was conducted to investigate the relationship between institutional resource planning and internal efficiency of Universal Primary Schools in Kalungu County Masaka District. The objectives of the study ...