Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Effect of Rhizobium-inoculated pueraria phaseolides green manure on soil nitrogen
(Soil Science Society of East Africa, 1999)
Efforts have been made to improve agricultural productivity through improving the overall agronomic practices yet yields are still below the expected potentials. This could be attributed to soil fertility exhaustion, ...
Potential for organic and inorganic fertilization for sustainable coffee production in Uganda
(African Crop Science Society, 1996)
The economy of Uganda is heavily dependent on Agriculture. Most of the export earnings come from coffee which is produced mainly by small scale farmers. However, the productivity of this crop has declined over the years. ...
Persistence of an introduced bradyrhizobium japonicum and other soybean rhizobia in a soybean/maize rotation
(African Crop Science Society, 1994)
Streptomycin resistant mutant of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain IRJ 2114 was developed, tested for ability to nodulate and fix nitrogen, and introduced on seeds at the start of the field experiments. Soybean (Glycine max ...
Increase of crop yields by beneficial organisms: a case study of Rhizobia use in Uganda
(Soil Science Society of East Africa, 1999)
Legume production in Uganda has been increasing since 1980 in terms of National total hectarage. However, yields per hectare have remained very low. This is highly attributed to the facts that the legumes are grown on ...
Evaluation of farmers' best practices for on-farm conservation of rare banana cultivars in the semi-arid region of Lwengo sub-county, Uganda
(Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2004)
Farmers have since humanity nurtured the plant genetic diversity from which they derive their livelihood and as a basis for social transformation. In the process they have been able to continually develop and improve ...
Evaluation of alternative soil management techniques under intensive cultivation of the Lake Victoria creascent of Uganda
(Soil Science Society of East Africa, 1998)
Effective evaluation of soil management techniques require consideration of the soil, the crops, the farmers and the environment. Soil productivity in the "fertile crescent" zone around Lake Victoria of Uganda has decreased. ...
Traditional farming and plant species diversity in agricultural landscape of South-Western Uganda
(Elsevier Masson, 2003)
An effort was undertaken in Bushwere Parish (Mbarara district, south-western Uganda) between 1999 and 2000 to develop sustainable and participatory approaches to plant biodiversity conservation at the farm level. One hundred ...
Persistence of an introduced bradyrhizobium japonicum and other soybean rhizobia in a soybean/maize rotation
(African Crop Science Society, 1994)
Streptomycin resistant mutant of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain IRJ 2114 was developed, tested for ability to nodulate and fix nitrogen, and introduced on seeds at the start of the field experiments. Soybean (Glycine max ...
Farmers' perception of the soil fertility status in Tororo District, Eastern Uganda
(Soil Science Society of East Africa, 2000)