Now showing items 470-489 of 873

      Immunization coverage and risk factors for high dropout in Rakai district. [1]
      The impact of integrated community case management on malaria related morbidity in children under 5 years in West Nile, Uganda [1]
      Impact of Pastoral land use change on Surface Water Quality in Kagera Sub-Basin [1]
      Implementation of the revised re-entry guidelines for teenage mothers into secondary school post-COVID-19: Stakeholders' experiences and lessons in Mbale District, Uganda [1]
      Implementation of tuberculosis infection control in health facilities in Mukono and Wakiso districts, Uganda [1]
      Improving lifejacket wear among occupational boaters on Lake Albert, Uganda: A cluster-randomized controlled trial [1]
      Improving the effectiveness of the education sector response in the fight against HIV/AIDS: A case study of post primary education and training institutions in uganda. [1]
      Incidence and predictors of early and late HIV sero-conversion among HIV exposed infants In Oyam district, Northern Uganda. [1]
      Incidence rate of hospital re-admissions within 30 days and associated factors among patients with advanced HIV disease in Uganda: comparison of logistic and count regression models. [1]
      Incident hypertension in a cohort of HIV-infected individuals at Ndola teaching hospital [1]
      Intake of Iron biofortified beans and iron deficiency anaemia among children aged 6-59months Isingiro District South western Uganda [1]
      Integrated approach to malaria prevention at household level in rural communities in Uganda: Experiences from a pilot project. [1]
      Integrated community case management of malaria and pneumonia in Eastern Uganda: care-seeking, adherence, and community health worker performance. [1]
      Integration of DHIS2 and Climatic data for disease prediction: A case of malaria occurrence in Gulu District, Uganda [1]
      The Interrelationship between religiosity and HIV infections in Uganda: A community case study [1]
      Interventions for managing the movement of health workers between public and private organizations in low- and middle-income countries [1]
      Interventions to manage dual practice among health workers (Review) [1]
      Intimate partner violence among male refugees in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement Kyegegwa District: Prevalence, associated factors and help-seeking behaviors [1]
      Irrational Prescribing and Dispensing of Antiretroviral Medicines in Kamwokya Christian Caring Community Center, Kampala. [1]