Now showing items 1-20 of 1242

      The abdominal sonographic features of burkitt's lymphoma in patients seen at Uganda Cancer Institute, Mulago Hospital, Kampala [1]
      Acceptability and perceptions of contraceptives among young HIV positive women in KCCA Art Clinics [1]
      Acceptability of cervical cancer screening using visual inspection with acetic acid and lugol's iodine among women attending the family planning clinic in mulago hospital. [1]
      Acceptability of TeleMental Health and its influencing factors among adolescent patients, caretakers, and mental health professionals at Butabika Hospital [1]
      Accuracy of lung ultrasound in diagnosing respiratory distress syndrome in very low birth weight neonates at Kawempe national referral hospital and Mulago specialized women and neonatal hospital [1]
      Accuracy of rapid tests as compared with field microscopy for the diagnosis of malaria in adolescents and adult patients in mulago hospital. [1]
      Accuracy of Spectral Doppler in evaluation of diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive patients in Mulago Hospital Complex [1]
      Accuracy of the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in predicting thirty-day all-cause mortality among patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia in Uganda a nested cross-sectional study [1]
      Acute chest syndrome in children with sickle cell anaemia at Mulago Hospital: Prevalence, aetiology and clinical characteristics [1]
      Acute pain management and control among children with sickle cell anemia attending the Sickle Cell Clinic - Mulago Hospital [1]
      Adaptation and validation of the Luganda version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale for screening prenatal depression among mothers attending the Antenatal Clinic at Kawempe National Referral Hospital [1]
      Adapting and evaluating a mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention supporting mental health and adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among older adolescents in Kampala [1]
      Adenotonsillar hypertrophy and frequency of Vaso-occlusive crisis in patients with sickle cell disease at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Adherence and associated factors to postnatal follow up in the program for the prevention of mother to child transimission of HIV at Mulago hospital [1]
      Adherence to anti-diabetic medication and associated factors among Type 2 Diabetic patients in Nsambya, Lubaga and Mengo Hospitals in Kampala [1]
      Adherence to antiepeleptic drugs among children with epilepsy attending the Paediatric Neurology Clinic at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Adherence to benzathine penicilline for secondary prophylaxis among patients affected with rheumatic heart disease ( RHD) at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Adherence to HIV care after pregnancy among mothers enrolled on the optionb+ program at Kisenyi HCIV: a retrospective cohort study [1]
      Adherence to malaria management guidelines by health care workers in the Busoga Sub-region, Eastern Uganda [1]