Now showing items 407-426 of 1133

      Impact of Covid-19 lockdown on multi-drug resistant tuberculosis case notifications and treatment outcomes at multi-drug resistant tuberculosis treatment centers in Uganda. [1]
      Impact of decision-operation interval on pregnancy outcomes among mothers who undergo emergency caesarean section at mulago hospital. [1]
      The impact of HIV status on diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Mbale District. [1]
      Impact of the second and third COVID-19 waves on out patient malaria indicators and case management guidelines at selected sites with varying malaria transmission intensities in Uganda. [1]
      Impaired T-cell proliferation among HAARTtreated adults with suboptimal CD4 recovery in an African cohort [1]
      Improving estimation of prevalence of gastrointestinal bleeding and selected predictors of mortality on the medical emergency ward at Mulago hospital. [1]
      Improving estimation of proportion of readmissions among patients with liver cirrhosis and associated complications on the gastroenterology ward, Mulago hospital. [1]
      In vivo PPD reactivity and associated factors among HIV positive patients on HAART at the Makerere University Infectious Diseases Clinic. [1]
      In-hospital outcomes of colorectal cancer surgery among patients at Mulago National Referral Hospital: a retrospective cohort study [1]
      Incidence and associated factors of acute back pain following spinal anaesthesia in mothers delivered by caesarean section at Kawempe National Referral Hospital [1]
      Incidence and factors associated with antenatal HIV seroconversion among women at term presenting in Mulago Hospital [1]
      Incidence and factors associated with first line antiretroviral treatment failure in children attending the Joint Clinical Research Centre Kampala, Uganda [1]
      Incidence and factors associated with late sputum culture conversion among multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients on treatment at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Incidence and predictors of lower respiratory tract infections among patients with traumatic spinal cord injuries at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Incidence and predictors of moderate to severe acute post caesarean incision pain following intrathecal morphine anaesthesia at Kawempe National Referral Hospital [1]
      Incidence and predictors of mortality and the effect of tuberculosis immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in a cohort of TB/HIV patients commencing antiretroviral therapy [1]
      Incidence and predictors of two months’ sputum non follow-up and patients’ perceived quality of care among tuberculosis patients, Hoima District [1]
      Incidence and risk factors for acute transfusion reactions among children aged 0 - 17 years receiving transfusions at Mulago Hospital [1]
      Incidence and risk factors for early neonatal death among babies with severe neonatal morbidities in Mulago Hospital [1]