Now showing items 55-74 of 472

      c-erb-2 oncoprotein over-expression in breast cancer and its relationships to histology type and grade in a Uganda population [1]
      Can community health workers and caretakers recognise pneumonia in children? Experiences from Western Uganda [1]
      Cancer of the cervix: The Uganda guidelines [1]
      Caregivers' experience with major depression concealed by physical illness in patients recruited from Central Ugandan Primary Health Care centers [1]
      A case control study on maternal serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and the risk of very early onset neonatal sepsis in Mulago Hospital [1]
      Case records and commentaries [1]
      A case report: Harpes zooster IRIS in pregnancy [1]
      A case-control study to determine whether active plasmodium falciparum infection is a possible risk factor for pre-eclampsia/ eclampisa. [1]
      Causation and prevention of stillbirths and postnatal deaths: Mulago Hospital, 1970-1971 [1]
      The challenge in the maintenance of catholic schools in the light of Gravissimum Educationis, Pallisa sub county [1]
      The challenge to restoring basic health care in Uganda [1]
      Challenges faced by health workers in providing counselling services to HIV-positive children in Uganda: a descriptive study [1]
      Changes in utilization of health services among poor and rural Changes in utilization of health services among poor and rural residents in Uganda: are reforms benefitting the poor? [1]
      Characteristics of HIV-1 discordant couples enrolled in a trial of HSV-2 suppression to reduce HIV-1 transmission: the partners study. [1]
      Chewing-stick practices using plants with anti-streptococcal activity in a Ugandan rural community [1]
      Chlorproguanil-dapsone for treating uncomplicated malaria (Review) [1]
      Choice of mode of delivery and associated factors among pregnant women with one previous scar at two public hospitals in Kampala [1]
      Circumcision and HIV infection: assessment of causality [1]
      Citywide trauma experience in Kampala, Uganda: a call for intervention [1]
      Client and provider perspectives of the efficiency and quality of care in the context of rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy [1]