Now showing items 321-340 of 340

      Text mining and determinants of sentiments : Twitter social media usage by traditional media houses in Uganda [1]
      Time to treatment initiation among patients treated For Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) in Uganda [1]
      Tobacco use and associated factors among adults in Uganda: Findings from a nationwide survey [1]
      Trends in delivery at a health facility and the associated factors between 2011 and 2015 in Uganda [1]
      Type of employment and under-five childcare in Mbarara District, Western Uganda. [1]
      Uganda annual local governments’ national assessment: Analysis and determination of validity of the results in reallocation of Central Government Grants (2007/2008) [1]
      Understanding child vulnerability in rural Uganda: determinants of vulnerability transition and schooling [1]
      Uptake of sexual and reproductive health services among adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda [1]
      Use of PMTCT services among HIV positive women attending ANC at Kisenyi and Naguru Health Centres, Kampala-Uganda [1]
      Using a social accounting matrix to generate a computable general equilibrium model: the case of Uganda [1]
      Using advanced statistical methods to improve prediction of HIV outcomes from a routine observational clinical database: Validation of findings using a nested research cohort database [1]
      Utilisation of antenatal care services in post conflict areas: The case of Erute South and Otuke health sub districts in Uganda [1]
      Utilisation of contraceptive services in Kyarusozi Sub-county Kyenjojo District [1]
      Utilization of insecticide treated nets by under-five children in Micheweni District – Zanzibar [1]
      Utilization of obstetric care services: A case study of Soroti Municipality in Uganda [1]
      Violence against children perpetrated by peers: A cross-sectional school-based survey in Uganda [1]
      Viral load suppression and associated factors among TASO Mulago clients in 2019 [1]
      Wage determination and gender discrimination in Uganda [1]
      What works best to model correlates of primary school dropout in the presence of clustering? [1]
      Willingness of adolescent girls and young women to use long acting injectable prep for HIV prevention in Uganda: A case study of Kampala [1]