Now showing items 97-116 of 425

      Determinants of Tax Revenue in Uganda [1]
      Determinants of the child labour in Uganda [1]
      Determinants of the Duration of Postpartum Abstinence among Women in Uganda [1]
      Determinants of the performance of Uganda’s tea exports: An error correction model for Uganda [1]
      Determinants of Trade Balance in Uganda [1]
      Determinants of trade balance in Uganda, 1988-2007 [1]
      Determinants of Uganda’s balance of payment position; the monetary approach [1]
      The Determinants of Uganda’s Coffee Exports, 2005-2016 [1]
      The determinants of Uganda’s coffee exports: 1980-2013 [1]
      Determinants of Uganda’s export competitiveness in the East African Community, 2000-2015 [1]
      Determinants of Uganda’s regional trade: Uganda’s performance under the East African Community (EAC) [1]
      Determinants of youth unemployment in Uganda: Binomial Logit Model Approach [1]
      Determinants of youth unemployment in Wakiso District [1]
      Direct payments for healthcare in Uganda's health system: Effects on household welfare. [1]
      Do savings matter for Uganda’s economic growth? A case for Uganda. [1]
      Does institutional quality moderate the impact of public debt on economic growth? Evidence from SSA [1]
      Does Size Matter? Scale, Corruption and Uncertainty [1]
      Domestic investment and economic growth in Uganda: A time series analysis (1986-2016) [1]
      Drivers of financial inclusion in Uganda [1]
      The dynamics of food accessibility and diversity in IDP camps in South Sudan [1]