Now showing items 374-393 of 425

      Quality of Education Services Offered by Universal Primary Education Schools in Uganda [1]
      Re-examining the effects of trade openness on economic growth in Uganda [1]
      Real Exchange Rate and its Impact on Uganda’s Economic Growth (1999-2015) [1]
      The relationship between education and economic growth: A Granger causality test [1]
      The relationship between human capital and economic growth in Sub Saharan Africa [1]
      The relationship between international trade and economic growth in Uganda (1990-2021) [1]
      Relationship between macro economic indicators and economic performance in Uganda: 1970-2012 [1]
      The relationship between non-traditional agricultural exports and Uganda's Economic Growth [1]
      Relationship between taxation and macroeconomic indicators in Uganda for the period of 1991-2016: Case study of Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) [1]
      Relationship between unemployment and economic growth in Uganda (1991-2022) [1]
      Risk factors associated with child marriage in Lira Sub County, Lira District [1]
      Road infrastructure and economic growth in Uganda 1980-2010 [1]
      The role of fiscal policy on balanced growth in Uganda (1986-2016) [1]
      The role of fishery production on economic growth in Somalia (1990-2020) [1]
      The role of institutions in determining Foreign direct investment inflows to East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania) [1]
      The role of livestock sector on economic growth of Somalia (1990-2020) [1]
      Role of Microfinance in Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Peri-Urban Areas in Uganda: Case Study Pride Microfinance Institution [1]
      Role of project management consultants in public infrastructure development: the case of water management and development project of Arua Town, Uganda [1]
      The role of SACCOS in enhancing the performance of micro, small and medium enterprises, case study, Nakawa division [1]
      Saving-investment nexus and the current account balance in Tanzania [1]