Now showing items 237-256 of 425

      Factors influencing the choice of saving mechanism: evidence from Uganda National Household Survey [1]
      Factors influencing the use of health insurance in Uganda [1]
      Factors influencing Uganda's export-import ratio: Implications for the trade balance [1]
      Factors limiting the demand for stocks on the Uganda securities exchange: A case study of banking employees in Kampala District. [1]
      Factors that influence revenue collection in the view of expanded operations of NWSC beyond purely urban areas [1]
      Family Structure and Learners’ Education Achievement in Uganda [1]
      Female Retention in HIV/AIDS Care: The Role of SACCOs in Kampala [1]
      Financial inclusion in Uganda: determinants of outreach, access to and use of financial services [1]
      Financial sector development and economic growth in the East African Community: A panel data analysis [1]
      Firm-level determinants of employment growth in East Africa [1]
      Firm-level determinants of export performance in East African Community countries [1]
      Fiscal policy and public debt sustainability in Uganda [1]
      Foreign aid and economic growth in Uganda: (1982-2008) [1]
      Foreign aid, economic development and corruption [1]
      Foreign Direct Investment and Economic growth in Rwanda (2010 - 2017) [1]
      Foreign direct investments, exports and economic growth in COMESA countries: a heterogeneous panel causality approach [1]
      Gender dimension of poverty in Uganda [1]
      Government domestic borrowing and private sector credit in Uganda : a time series analysis [1]
      Government expenditure and economic growth in Uganda [2]
      Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Uganda. [1]