Now showing items 22-41 of 425

      Bank Credit and Private Investments in Uganda [1]
      The benefits and barriers to the adoption of e-commerce by SMEs in Uganda : A case study of online confectionery stores in Kampala City [1]
      Budgetary controls and performance of an organisation : a case study of Restless Development Uganda [1]
      Business climate and firm sales performance In Uganda [1]
      A case for regulatory impact assessment of the rural water supply and management in Uganda [1]
      Causal relationship between macro-economic indicators and coffee exports in Uganda: A timeseries analysis: 2001-2011 [1]
      The Causal Relationship between Population Growth and Economic Growth in Uganda [1]
      Causes of the high malaria incidence in Mpigi district, Central Uganda [1]
      Childhood violence and prevalence of early pregnancies in Uganda [1]
      Climate change, economic growth and household vulnerability in Uganda [1]
      Commercial banks and women empowerment in Uganda: a case of Rukungiri Municipality [1]
      Competences, empowerment and performance management of public sector accountants in Uganda [1]
      Contraceptive Use and Fertility in Uganda [1]
      Contribution of NAADS programme to rural farmers in Bukedea District [1]
      Contribution of vocational education and training towards employment among the youth [1]
      Corporate Tax Effects on Investment Decisions in Uganda [1]
      Corruption and firm-level productivity: greasing or sanding effect? [1]
      Covariant shocks and their marginal effects on household coping strategies in Uganda [1]
      Credit terms, access to finance and financial performance of SMES in Kampala [1]
      Cryptocurrencies Adoption in Uganda [1]