Factors Influencing Maize Production in Uganda
Maize is the main source of income and a staple for most farmers in Uganda. Despite the importance of maize in Uganda, the ASSP 2015/16-2019/20 reported maize production of 2.9 million MT in 2014 with low yield levels between 2.2-2.5 tonnes per hectare compared to potential yield of 5 tonnes per hectare. This study therefore sought to determine the factors that influence maize production in Uganda with clustering at regional level. The assessment was done using socio-demographic, farm inputs, farm characteristics and enabling environment. The study utilised secondary data sourced from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) National Panel Survey (UNPS) 2011/12 Agricultural Module. A Multi-level mixed effects linear regression model was used to establish factors that had a significant impact on the quantity of maize produced.
Results from the model indicated that use of fertilizers increased the quantity of maize produced by 44% when compared to quantity produced without the use of fertilizer. It was also noted that household that planted improved seed on their plots produced 43% more maize as opposed to those who used traditional varieties. The use of pesticides however was not significant in explaining maize production. Farmers who had access to extension services produced more maize 67% when compared to farmers who did not receive any kind on extension service. Intercropping increased quantity of maize produced by 40% compared to households that planted in pure stand and in addition, ceteris paribus, a unit increase in the size of land cultivated increases the quantity of maize production by 38%.
In light of the findings, future efforts for enhancing maize production should revolve around the government subsidizing prices of inputs in order to increase household access to improved technologies and also enacting a law on land reforms if it is to realize increased agricultural production. Furthermore, extension should be reinforced to increase the flow of information to farmers and promoting the adoption of improved varieties, weeding, and management practices for controlling diseases and as well advice farmers on which seed to plant and what type and quantity of fertilizer to apply.