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dc.contributor.authorAnywar, David Cankene
dc.description.abstractThis study was about the impact of Child neglect on human dignity in Kitgum Mission Parish in light of Humanae Dignitatis. Human person deserves to be respected and protected. His or her dignity has to be handled with a lot of respect. The scripture emphasizes that, God carefully created and set apart human being from other creatures. He is sacredly created in the image of God the creator (Gen. 1:26-28). However, much as the Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society, in our society, human life is under direct attack. In Kitgum Mission Parish, child neglect has become the order of the day. And because of this evil against children, the researcher was compelled to carry out this research exercise guided by the general objective; „„to establish the impact of child neglect on human dignity in Kitgum Mission Parish in Kitgum district’’. The researcher presented the methodology used. It clarified on the research design, the approach, the geographical area of the study, the sampling techniques, data collection methods together with the tools to be used, data quality control, and finally data analysis and interpretation techniques. Results showed that, 57.14 % which is the greatest percent said parents are the most contributors to the evil of child neglect as it is presented in chapter four. Majority of the respondents attributed the growing practice of child neglect to parents. In the conclusion, prevention of child neglect has been attributed to a total commitment of all those involved in handling the affairs of children which included the government, community leaders, Non Governmental Organizations, Mass media, caretakers of children and the Church leaders so that the dignity of our children which is the clearest reflection of God‟s presence in the world is up held for everyone. The recommendation is that; parents and communities in general xiii be sensitized not only on the rights of their children but also on the effects of abuse of these rights on the children so that they appreciate the need to take concerted action against it.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectChild Neglecten_US
dc.subjectHuman Dignityen_US
dc.subjectHumanae Dignitatisen_US
dc.subjectKitgum Mission Parishen_US
dc.titleThe impact of child neglect on human dignity in Kitgum Mission Parish in light of Humanae Dignitatisen_US

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