Now showing items 52-71 of 130

      Free-roaming domestic dog ecology: Population size and management in Soroti City [1]
      Frequency of Factor V-Leiden, Prothrombin G20210A, and Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutations (c677t) among patients in Mulago sickle cell clinic [1]
      Gene transcript analysis in drought stressed ‘AAA’ and ‘ABB’ bananas using next generation sequencing technologies [1]
      Genetic determinants of protein digestibility in selected Sorghum multi-parent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population [1]
      Genetic determinants of protein digestibility in selected sorghum multi-parent advanced generation intercross (magic) population [1]
      Genetic diversity of Plasmodium Falciparum infections at varying altitudes in South-Western Uganda [1]
      Genetic evolution of influenza A H9N2 viruses isolated from domestic poultry in Uganda [1]
      Hot water therapy and meristem shoottip culture techniques for elimination of cassava viral pathogens [1]
      Identification of diagnostic markers for Fusarium xylarioides, the cause of coffee wilt disease in Uganda [1]
      Identification of potential antigenic peptides of Bm86, Ra85A and Ra92A tick proteins using insilico tools and immune dot blot assay [1]
      Immunomodulatory activity and safety profile of prunus Africana in an animal model: a common medicinal plant used in management of respiratory virus infections in local communities in Mpigi District, Uganda [1]
      Improving productivity of small East African goats using native browse species [1]
      Incidence, yield loss and economic injury levels of key insect pests of hot pepper (scotch bonnet) in major growing Districts of Uganda [1]
      Inflammatory marker profiles and seizure control in children with Nodding syndrome on antiepileptic drug therapy [1]
      Insecticide resistance and KDR mutations in malaria vector from different transmission sites in Uganda [1]
      Insilico identification, characterisation of plasmodium falciparum hypothetical proteins and their assessment as molecular targets for malaria vaccine [1]
      Investigation of bacterial prevalence, antimicrobial resistance patterns and associated factors in skin and soft-tissue infections at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital: A retrospective study from 2019-2021 [1]
      Investigation of the virulence markers and drivers enabling Escherichia Coli to cause neonatal and postweaning piglet diarrhea in Mukono and Masaka Districts, Uganda [1]
      Investigation of viral respiratory co-infections and associated risk factors among SARS-COV-2 suspects in Uganda [1]
      Knowledge, attitudes and practices about nosocomial infections and antibiotic susceptibility among Staphylococcus aureus isolated from surfaces in Nakasongola Military Hospital [1]