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dc.contributor.authorMbeiza, Esther Kalanzi
dc.identifier.citationMbeiza, E.K. (2013). The role of market information systems in enhancing the planting, production and supply of private forest products [timber & charcoal] in Kampala District. Unpublished masters thesis. Makerere University, Kampala, Ugandaen_US
dc.descriptionA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Masters of Business Administration Degree of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study focused on the role of market information system and policy awareness in enhancing the plantation and production of forest products that is timber, charcoal and poles. The method used in collecting, analysis and interpretation from farmers and trader was descriptive in nature. In this case self-administered open ended questionnaires were administered to 60 respondents of which 30 were farmers and 30 were traders. The study revealed that only 43.3 % of the respondents who were private forest plantation farmers had adequate market information regarding their products, while 80% of the respondents who were forest products traders had adequate market information regarding the products which they were trading. The study also revealed that the level of policy awareness, especially policies within which private forest farmers and forest products traders operate is low represented by 50%. It is recommended that a market information system for both private forest farmers and traders should be established to ensure adequate supply of forest products and services. Likewise policy awareness should be created especially policies governing private tree planting to stimulate investment in planting of forests.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere Universityen_US
dc.subjectMarket information systemsen_US
dc.subjectKampala Districten_US
dc.subjectPolicy awarenessen_US
dc.subjectForest productsen_US
dc.subjectForest farmersen_US
dc.subjectMarketing informationen_US
dc.titleThe role of market information systems in enhancing the planting, production and supply of private forest products [timber & charcoal] in Kampala Districten_US
dc.typeThesis/Dissertation (Masters)en_US

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