Assessment of the management and maintenance systems of electrical energy transmission by Westnile Rural Electrification Company (WENRECo) in West Nile Region
This Research is on management and maintenance systems of electrical energy transmission by West Nile rural electrification company (WENRECo) in West Nile Region. A total of 80 respondents consisting of WENRECo staffs and consumers participated in the study from the 3 districts of Arua, Nebbi and Zombo. This was both qualitative and quantitative study to assess management and maintenance systems of electrical energy transmission under the following specific objectives as to determine if the human resource of the company has being well managed, determine how effectively the facilities have being maintained, to determine the quality of power supply and customer satisfaction.
The study results showed a positive trend of human resource management as such most of them stay longer in the company while efficiency and reliability have continued to experience a challenge. Customer satisfaction is low despite more demand for expansion of power services in the region which is an opportunity for the company to renew its contract with government and improve its efficiency. There is illegal connection of power by customers which contributes to load shedding.
The findings showed that there is good human resource policy that promotes professionalism and discipline in the employees in relation to service delivery and this therefore contributes to good relationship with customers. It further revealed that facility management was rather poor and this has a direct impact on the quality of electric services provided. Maintenance mostly takes place after a problem has occurred. The consumer negligence of poor detection and reporting of problems equally contributes to this. Power supply in the region has been inadequate and unstable leading to customer dissatisfaction. There exist a number of opportunities for WENRECo to expand its services in the region given availability of hydro points that can be constructed and the ever increasing demand for power.
The study therefore concluded that; there is good human resource policy in place that has to offer awareness creation to consumers on its power services. There is a big out cry on poor maintenance of facilities which according to the findings is the biggest contributing factor to inefficiencies in power supply though there is some improvement compared to the past. There exists diverse opportunities for the company to improve its power supply services in the entire region. The following recommendations were derived; The Company’s human resource should organize frequent customer education on power supply. Need for more government support to improve and expand power services in the region. Government should plan for larger capacity power generation because there is increasing power demand, it is envisaged that connection of the power line to the national grid would be the best plan in future.