Utilisation of electronic records to promote good governance in Uganda: A case of Uganda Registration Service Bureau
Corporate and government organisations use electronic records as an important strategic resource. In addition to meeting legal requirements, electronic records play a vital role in the management and operation of an organisation’s activities. Corporate organisations are facing challenges in managing and utilizing e-records, including the Government of Uganda.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of utilization of e-records by Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB) to promote good governance. The aim of the study was to; identify the types of e-records managed; examine the extent of utilization of e-records; examine the challenges; and come up with well-researched recommendations to enable the government to grapple with the situation.
This study was conducted through a qualitative approach, and drew much of its rich data from in-depth interviews and questionnaires using purposive sampling. Seventy-one respondents participated in the study. The erspondents were both records managers and e-records users.
The study revealed that URSB had already created and was using e-records to support its business operations, thus promoting good governance. URSB, perceived e-records and e-government information as important and was aware of e-government information that was available but did not use this information frequently.
This research revealed some unique challenges to the utilization of e-records to promote good governance, for example; lack of awareness about the importance of e-records and security; the dangers associated with their loss; and the complexity, fragmented nature and incompatibility of information systems and standards.
The study recommends an integrated records management programme for URSB to improve the electronic records environment. Such a programme would promote e-records management awareness; determine resource requirements; review the legal and regulatory framework; review e-records management standards and procedures; implement an electronic records management system; and ensure the sustainability of the programme through staff training and regular monitoring and evaluation.