Now showing items 528-547 of 583

      A study of microbial contaminants in vended food in selected areas in Kampala [1]
      Successful forest management: the importance of security of tenure and rule enforcement in Ugandan forests [1]
      Suitability of auger drill sampling for the measurement of moisture content gradient in kiln-dried South African grown Eucalyptus grandis poles [1]
      Suitability of auger drill sampling for the measurement of moisture content gradient in kiln-dried South African grown eucalyptus grandis poles [1]
      Suitability of Ugandan produced banana fibres for paper making [1]
      Surviving the Covid-19 Pandemic: an Exploration of Coping Mechanisms for Selected Hotels and Guesthouses in Kampala [1]
      Synthesizing indigenous and scientific knowledge for conservation and co-management of small-scale fisheries in Uganda (Kalangala and Wakiso Districts) [1]
      Tamarindus indica l genetic structure and niche ecology. [1]
      Technical and institutional capacity in local organisations to manage decentralised forest resources in Uganda [1]
      Temporal changes in diet of Budongo Forest Chimpanzees [1]
      Termites (Isoptera) as food in the Luhya Community (Western Kenya) [1]
      Timber use practices in Uganda’s building construction industry: current situation and future prospects [1]
      Trace element concentrations in vegetables, drinking water and house dust as risk factors for incidences of respiratory and gastro-intestinal diseases among residents of Kilembe mine area, Kasese district [1]
      Traditional farming and plant species divesity in agricultural landscapes of South-Western Uganda [1]
      Traditional medicine as an alternative form of health care system: a preliminary case study of Nangabo Sub-County, Central Uganda [1]
      Tree diversity, use and land cover changes in Mt. Otzi Forest Reserve, Northern Uganda [1]
      Tree fruiting phenology variations under changing climate: Implications on primate foraging patterns in and around Budongo forest, Uganda [1]
      Tree Growing and Diversity on Farm Landscapes in Buwalasi Sub-County, Uganda [1]
      Tree planting incentives and stakeholders in the Albertine rift region, Uganda [1]
      Tree species diversity and their carbon sequestration potential on cultivated farms in Agago District [1]