Now showing items 195-214 of 583

      Effect of Hydrogel soil amendment on survival and growth of Melia volkensii under field conditions in Nakasongola District [1]
      Effect of kiln drying schedule on the quality of South African grown Eucalyptus grandis poles [1]
      Effect of Land Use Land Cover Changes on Carbon Stocks of Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Western Uganda. [1]
      Effect of land use/cover changes on aboveground biomass in and around Bidi-Bidi Refugee Settlement in Northern Uganda [1]
      Effect of land use/cover on water quality of River Rwizi, Mbarara municipality, Uganda [1]
      Effect of point source pollution on the quality of water in river Enyau, arua Municipality, Uganda [1]
      Effect of road construction on plant communities: a case of selected roads in the Albertine rift, western Uganda [1]
      Effect of selected mechanical properties of agroforestry tree roots on shallow-seated landslide prone areas on mt Elgon, Uganda [1]
      Effect of smoking technologies on nutritional values and safety of Mormyrus Caschive and Oreochromis Niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Terekeka, South Sudan [1]
      The effect of soil and water conservation measures on selected soil properties in Nyamasoga landscape, Buliisa District [1]
      Effect of sugarcane production on household dietary diversity in Busoga Sub-region, Uganda [1]
      The effect of urbanization on livelihoods of households living in agricultural areas: A case study of Wakiso Town [1]
      The effect of weather on crop yields: A case study of the maize crop in Masindi District Western Uganda. [1]
      Effective monitoring of decentralised forest resources in East Africa [1]
      Effectiveness and adoption of alternative crops as wildlife deterrents around Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda [1]
      Effectiveness of community conserved areas approach in biodiversity conservation in Uganda: comparative case study of Kacheera and Kijanebalola wetlands. [1]
      Effectiveness of forest zoning on conservation of threatened tree species in Budongo Forest Reserve [1]
      The effectiveness of soil and water conservation practices for erosion control in Nagairila-Nambale micro watershed on the slopes of Mt. Elgon in Eastern Uganda [1]
      Effects of Agricultural Investments on Land-use Land Cover Change, Access to Water and Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practices in Uganda [1]
      Effects of community-based forest management initiatives on conservation and rural livelihoods in mid-western Uganda [1]