Now showing items 420-439 of 509

      Reaction of a ferralsol to the acidifying effect of nitrogen fertilization [1]
      Reaction of rice cultivars to a virulent rice yellow mottle virus strain in Uganda [1]
      Reaction of waxy and opaque-2 inbreds and their derived progenies to multiple foliar diseases of maize in Uganda [1]
      Resistance to the weevils Cylas puncticollis and Cylas brunneus conferred by sweetpotato root surface compounds [1]
      Resistance in tropical maize to the maize weevil and larger grain borer. [1]
      Resistance of cowpea to scab disease and diversity of Sphaceloma SP. occurring in Uganda [1]
      Resistance of selected cassava genotypes to whiteflies in Malawi. [1]
      Resistance of soybean germplasm to the groundnut leaf miner (aproaerema modicella) in Uganda [1]
      Resistance to Cercospora Leaf spot disease and combining ability of selected Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) lines in Uganda [1]
      Resistance to Stenocarpella maydis and Fusarium graminearum cob rot pathogens in tropical maize [1]
      Resistance to the African and spotted stem borers in sorghum in Kenya. [1]
      Resource use efficiency in potato production in South Western Uganda. [1]
      Response of improved cassava varieties in Uganda to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and their inherent resistance mechanisms [1]
      Response of improved soybean varieties to different phosphorus rates [1]
      Response of local cassava varieties in Uganda to cassava mosaic virus disease [1]
      Response of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) to manipulation of row spacing, fertilizer use, and intercropping with beans [1]
      Response to phenotypic screening of Mubende meat goats [1]
      The role of agricultural institutional services in facilitating maize farmers’ access to and use of improved agro-inputs in Mubende district, Uganda [1]
      The role of camel production in household resilience to droughts: evidence from Karamoja, Uganda [1]
      The role of farmer learning platforms in enhancing smallholder farmer use of improved crop production technologies in Mityana District, Central Uganda [1]