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dc.contributor.authorAgaba, Kellen
dc.contributor.authorAmule, Grace
dc.contributor.authorBwambale, David
dc.contributor.authorKakyo, Stella Susan
dc.contributor.authorKalinda, Bridget
dc.contributor.authorKarungi, Ruth
dc.contributor.authorKomubaizi, Caroline
dc.contributor.authorMugabe, Alex N.
dc.descriptionA project report submitted to the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research project was carried out at BAP offices located in Ndeeba on Masaka Road at Plot 224 Masaku building. The major goal of the research was to develop an ATS to manage customers’ transactions. Currently, the information on car parts that includes availability and price is not readily available hence the customers of BAP are delayed when buying the car parts. The study focused on developing an ATS which will be efficient and effective to handle transaction records of BAP that will enable the manager and shop attendants to log into the system, using their usernames and passwords to access a listing of car parts so as to effectively serve their customers. The ATS database was developed using different languages such as HTML, JavaScript, PHP and embedded in MySQL. The database was managed on a WAMP Server to communicate with the respective clients who would access the various appropriate rights, based on their user logins and passwords which distinguish the shop attendants and managers. Thus the system enables the people in the company to also benefit from the use of modern technology in meeting their information needs.en_US
dc.subjectInformation management systemen_US
dc.subjectAutomated transaction systemen_US
dc.subjectBaraka Auto Partsen_US
dc.titleAn automated transaction system for Baraka Auto Partsen_US
dc.typeThesis, undergraduateen_US

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