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dc.contributor.authorIga, Lawrence
dc.contributor.authorKyasanku, David
dc.contributor.authorMutuzo, Jackie
dc.contributor.authorBoonabaana, Christine
dc.contributor.authorKiwanuka, Aurthur
dc.contributor.authorMushabe, Jackie
dc.contributor.authorKyalimpa, James
dc.contributor.authorMungoma, Michael Jonathan
dc.descriptionA project report submitted to the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology of Makerere Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, an automated record management system to manage school records was developed. This was as a result of the realization of the need for an efficient and effective automated system given the incompetent nature of the manual systems in place vis-à-vis the dynamic nature of information technology and the wide array of information needs. Ntinda View College located in Ntinda, kulambiro hill, eight Kilometers from the city center, was used as the case study. The system was implemented using Microsoft visual basic 6.0 Express Edition, Microsoft word processor, Microsoft excel, Microsoft access, Structured Query Language and Seagate crystal reports developer Edition. To identify system requirements the observation and interview methods of data collection were used. The study identified the major problems faced by the use of manual filing systems to manage school records and attempted to solve them by developing an automated school records management system. Recommendations such as user training, parallel system conversion and anti-virus update installations will ensure smooth functionality and system availability. This project report will act as a fundamental guide or tool to management in system evaluation and decision making.en_US
dc.subjectRecords managementen_US
dc.subjectHigh schoolen_US
dc.subjectAutomated recordsen_US
dc.titleAn automated school records management systemen_US
dc.typeThesis, undergraduateen_US

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