Now showing items 1-20 of 192

      Access to and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services: Gendered experiences of persons with physical disabilities in urban Kampala. [1]
      Acquisition de compétence interculturelle: le cas des étudiants débutants de la langue française à l'Université de Makerere [1]
      Activities the So/Kadama do during the different seasons of the year [1]
      Analysis of the coverage of Ebola virus disease in the New Vision and Daily Monitor Newspapers [1]
      An analysis of the female images portrayed in Rukiga Proverbs [1]
      Applicative verbs in Ruruuli-Lunyala : structure and meaning [1]
      Assessing media coverage of technical, vocational education and training in Uganda: a case study of New Vision and Daily Monitor [1]
      Assessing strategic communication for selected NGOs in Kampala [1]
      Assessing the effect of interactive radio programming on children empowerment in Uganda: a case of children’s programme on Kagadi Kibaale Community Radio (KKCR) [1]
      Assessing the translation quality of the English Bible into Leb Lango: a case study of the Biblical Gospels [1]
      Assessment of community radio in Tanzania: case study of Orkonerei Radio Service FM [1]
      An assessment of the use of small group communication in curbing teenage pregnancy among girls living with HIV in Uganda [1]
      An assessment of the use of statistics by Ugandan newspapers: a case of the New Vision [1]
      Before the lens: photographic portrayal of refugees in the print media in Uganda [1]
      Beverage billboard advertising in Kampala City : a genre-based analysis [1]
      Boy circumscision [1]
      Censorship in the digital age: assessing the effects of internet shutdown on journalism practice during Uganda’s 2021 general elections - a case of the daily monitor [1]
      Characterization of B cells in cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood in hiv-1 and Cryptococcal meningitis co-infection [1]
      A citizen sociolinguistics appraisal of Kiswahili as a tool for social integration in the East African Community [1]
      A comparative study of human rights issues in the novels of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, Alex la Guma and Chinua Achebe. [1]