Now showing items 15-34 of 189

      Censorship in the digital age: assessing the effects of internet shutdown on journalism practice during Uganda’s 2021 general elections - a case of the daily monitor [1]
      Characterization of B cells in cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood in hiv-1 and Cryptococcal meningitis co-infection [1]
      A citizen sociolinguistics appraisal of Kiswahili as a tool for social integration in the East African Community [1]
      A comparative study of human rights issues in the novels of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, Alex la Guma and Chinua Achebe. [1]
      A comparative study of printable information, education and communication (IEC) materials and social media as means of receiving information disseminated to electricity consumers in Kampala City [1]
      A comparative study of the causes of household poverty in Bushenyi and Kamuli Districts: An anthropological analysis. [1]
      A comparative survey of accessibility and effectiveness of radio and television in raising public awareness and acceptance of COVID-19 prevention guidelines In Kawempe Division [1]
      Compilation of a monolingual Lụgbarati dictionary. [1]
      The concept of power in the praise poetry of the Batoro [1]
      Conduct of children today [1]
      Conflict or harmony? Unraveling how media shape public perception of wildlife in Uganda [1]
      The contribution of basic ecclesial communities to the integral development of Mabonwa parish in light of populorum progressio. [1]
      Corporate social responsibility as a communication tool at KCB Bank Uganda [1]
      The coverage of family planning use in the mass media in Uganda : a comparative analysis of the New Vision and Daily Monitor [1]
      Crafted by hand: an analysis of how the readers negotiate the meaning of messages portrayed in the press political cartons [1]
      David Rubadiri and the mentoring of a Malawian poetic tradition in English [1]
      The deconstruction of the naipaulian protagonist. [1]
      A description of some phonetic and phonological aspects of the Acholi Language [1]
      Difficulties in comprehension among learners learning English as a foreign language in Uganda: a schema theoretic approach [1]
      A discourse analysis of the English language used by Makerere University students on Facebook [1]