Human suffering: An exploration into its meaning among the Christians of Our Lady of Sorrows – Kwapa Catholic Parish, Tororo Archdiocese.
This research was carried out in Our Lady of Sorrows-Kwapa Catholic Parish, Tororo Archdiocese, in the Library of Ggaba National Major Seminary Kampala, in Tororo public library and at CACISA library for literature review. I confined myself to Our Lady of Sorrows - Kwapa Catholic Parish to come up with a concrete analysis of the situation in my parish pertaining Christian perception of human suffering in the light of the Encyclical of John Paul II Salvifici Doloris, though contributions from other literature review were included to understand the whole phenomenon. I was so much concerned with the Christians perception of God especially when suffering comes their way. To some of them, God is responsible for all forms of human suffering and should be blamed for it. Some were even questioning the existence of God. They wonder why God doesn’t intervene when suffering strikes. This research is therefore to help us rediscover and restore the true meaning and purpose of suffering. It is aimed at helping a Christian to appreciate the goodness of God. God does not will to destroy or to punish his creatures but to give them life, life to the full (Jn. 10:10).
The work is divided into five chapters as described below:
Chapter one deals with the general introduction, Statement of the problem, back ground of the study, operational definitions, Significance of the study, Scope of the study, objectives both specific and general, statement of the research problem and Hypotheses.
Chapter two deals with literature review. I did not relying only on the encyclical “Salvifici Doloris” but I also borrowed material from other documented literature, especially those related to human suffering and sickness.
Chapter three deals with the research methodology employed to collect necessary information from the field and also for critical evaluation, analysis and interpretation of the research findings.
Chapter four deals with field study through questionnaires and oral interviews to come up with the ideas of the local native in relation to “Salvifici Doloris” and other documented literature.
Chapter five, deals with the recommendations, discussions, summary and a general conclusion to crown the research paper.
This research therefore, is to help us understand that all the sufferings that man faces in this universe does not affect him alone as an individual but also the community in which he belongs.