Refugees’ right to life and property: a case study of Nakivale Refugee Settlement
This research focused on refugee rights to life and property using Nakivale refugee camp as the case study. The rights of refugees with reference to life and property has not yet been defined in Uganda. The objectives of the study were: To analyze the understanding of the right to life and property according to the different human rights instruments, showed the role played by the government, Civil Society Organizations, international community and individuals in the promotion and protection of the refugees rights to life and property and find out the status of refugee’s right to life and property at Nakivale refugee settlement. Data for study comprised of both primary and secondary; the researcher’s primary data collection methods included the use of questionnaires and Focused Group Discussions .A total of 120 respondents participated in the study. Secondary data collection methods included reviewing the related literature from text books, journals, News papers and theses. The following are the findings of this study,
• Government through the Police provided physical security to refugees and their property.
• UNHCR helped in refugee registration and provision of basic services like food, counseling services among others.
• Lack of self confidence was major cause of abuse of refugee rights because refugees are foreigners and fear to be taken back to their countries of origin.
• Most refugees lacked vocational skills and thus depended on the small plots of land given to them by government for agriculture only.
• There was duplication of services offered to refugees by stakeholders (e.g. international Organizations, Local Organizations and government.)
I recommend government and all other stake holders to continue providing relief services and durable solutions to the refugee problems.
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