Government control and performance of Uganda Prisons Industries
The study was to establish the extent to which government control affects performance of prisons industries. There was a reported decline in performance of Prison Industries over the years 2001-2010, (end of year accounts). The following objectives guided the study: To examine the nature of government control of the Prisons Industries’ workshops; To examine the performance of the Prisons Industries’ workshops; and To establish the extent to which government control affects performance in Prisons Industries’ workshops. The study used a cross-sectional and correlation study research design. It targeted 103 respondents. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling were used to select the staff in various workshops in Uganda Prisons Industries. Descriptive statistics using means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages and factor analysis were computed to determine the average respondents with a particular view on the nature of government control of the Prisons Industries’ workshops and the performance of the Prisons Industries’ workshops. Pearson Correlations were computed to determine the relationship between government control and performance of the Prisons Industries’ workshops. Regression analysis was computed to determine the extent to which government control affects performance of the Prisons Industries’ workshops. Findings revealed that government control existed in Prisons industries workshops and was moderate in terms of standards, funding and rewards. The performance was below average in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Government Control positively enhanced performance of Prisons industries workshops. Control is pivotal in mitigating effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. It is recommended that Prisons Industries controls should be improved in order to improve their performance. This can be achieved by injecting in more funds, strictly monitor adherence to set standards and reward Industries that perform well.